Network Security

Your data is the most critical and key component of your network. It is the lifeblood that your employees, customers, systems and applications rely on to keep your business operating smoothly. Because your data is so critical to your business, insuring that your data maintains its confidentiality, integrity and availability are paramount.
An increasing amount of high-profile cyber-security breaches in recent times has led businesses of all sizes to reassess their network security. With many networks now considered to be mission-critical and with more valuable data at risk than ever before, a more proactive and measured approach to network protection is required.
Many of the high-profile breaches of the past few years were not technology failures, but lapses of people and process – or operations security. Our consultants help drive security, protection and continuity strategies and transformations that reduce risk and keep your data secure from threats.
Additionally, increasing ransomware attacks often drive the need for advanced and innovative backup and restoration techniques. We are dedicated to providing network security solutions that are built not only with today’s threats in mind but for continued security in the future.
Breaches in business data protection can be the single most damaging occurrence for many companies. Compromised sensitive data can result in strained customer, partner and employee relationships.
We identify how to detect and respond to threats and intrusions, ensure continuity and resiliency, and integrate operational security and recovery processes with IT operations.
Answer Technologies, Inc. has experience with the entire range of network and computer security issues faced by businesses. Let us help you with your network security issues today.